Interlocutum - Effective Communication

Improve your skills and reach your goals
Sales training, language training solutions and translation services to companies and individuals

38, rue d'Oradour L-2266 Luxembourg

Sales Training

Training in Direct Sales based on a long experience with start-ups and business development B2B & B2C.

Language Training

Step-by-step language coaching
French - English - Swedish - Luxembourgish-preparation for the language test.

Translation Services

Translation services of official letters from Luxembourgish authorities and assistance with the communication with officials and other service providers.

Sales Training

Interlocutum offers sales training in Direct Sales based on a long experience with start-ups and business development B2B & B2C on several European markets. The training program provides knowledge of the main sales process (prospection and sales). It helps the participants to build self-confidence in the prospection, and how to structure the sales conversation in the best possible way.

Language training
French - English - Swedish - Luxembourgish-preparation for the language test

Interlocutum offers language coaching (step-by-step). We believe that this is the most effective way to learn a language. Language training should be fun and relevant with a clear path forward. We offer one-on-one or small group language training sessions (up to 4 persons). We teach French, English and Swedish on all levels and use the same languages as teaching languages. We offer training in both general language and business language.

In addition, we offer language training in order to prepare for the Luxembourgish language test (Sproochentest).

Translation Services
Translation services of official letters from Luxembourgish authorities and assistance with the communication with officials and other service providers

We offer a quick and an efficient way for you to get a translation of official letters from the Luxembourgish authorities. You get the translation quickly, either getting the gist of the official document or a full translation, depending on your need. We can also help you with the next step, that is assisting you with the contact with Luxembourgish authorities by phone or by letter and recommend any necessary action.

We offer translations from Luxembourgish and French to English and Swedish. We can also provide assistance with the communication with officials and other service providers.


Interlocutum S.à r.l. is a Luxembourgish company providing sales training, language training solutions and translation services to companies and individuals. We also provide assistance with the communication with officials.

In order to be as efficient and successful as possible in business and communication, you need to know whom you are dealing with and adapt your approach accordingly.

We have a long experience in international business, starting up and developing new and existing businesses on different markets in Europe using several languages as working languages.

In addition, our long experience in using several working languages has inspired us to develop efficient language training solutions. for interlocutum business knowledge and communication skills are strongly linked in order to be successful in international business.

It is our firm belief that in order to be really successful in the international market, you need to speak the language and have deep knowledge of both the general culture and the business culture of the market. In short you should know your interlocutor and his or her environment. Naturally it is of course also important to have good knowledge of the products and the services provided together with a well-developed contact net.

In this respect we at Interlocutum think that there is much more to be done in international business. Often international companies do not use the spoken language on the market in their business where they are present, they use instead a common third language, which is often English. This can of course work fairly well, however, it is not an optimal situation in order to create long-term business relations.

For Interlocutum the goal is always to create a win-win business relationship with the clients and partners bringing an added value to their businesses in order to achieve a fruitful and a long-term collaboration. Indeed, we are always on the move to improve your skills and reach your goals.


We are always on the move to improve your skills and reach your goals. This is what our clients say:

Chiara Bardini
Native italian (client since 2015)

When I first contacted Interlocutum my goal was to improve my French, and develop it into a working language. Once I felt comfortable with the language Karl-Gustav adapted our sessions to more business related terminology. Classes were never boring as Karl-Gustav is friendly and knowledgeable and we never run out of topics of discussion; this helped me learning a "real" language rather than sterile notions from a textbook. also, Karl-Gustav is excellent at explaining and practicing pronunciation, which for me was obstacle number 1 to try and speak French. Once I solved this issue, everything came very easily. After several years of collaboration we have now moved on to a new challenge – Luxembourgish! Karl-Gustav has a passion for languages, which shines through in his teaching style. He is an inspiring teacher and coach, and I can highly recommend him.

Johan Nordström
Native Swedish (client since 2017)

My first goal was to learn French and as a second step develop it into a working language. When I came to Luxembourg I was a total beginner. Karl-Gustav helped me to reach that goal with a clear path forward. A basic philosophy in his teaching is to concentrate on what one really needs to learn. Now I use French as working language. He is a good teacher and language coach. He inspires you with his enthusiasm and his passion for languages. I recommend him highly.
